Order Assignment Online as a Model and Use These 5 Free Tools to Craft Your Own

Many university students might need help with their homework. The first thing you might think of is to order or buy IGNOU assignments online from experienced writers. In this case, be aware of plagiarism: you shouldn’t submit them as your own. Instead, use them as models for the assignment you write on your own. Alternatively, below is a list of handy tools to get your paper done.

1. Writing A-Z

This tool provides you with a wide range of writing workshops and activities. It is also a collection of resources on any academic writing-related topic. Here, you can practice creating a catchy intro for your essay, making bibliography lists, constructing powerful arguments, and much more.

2. Instagrok

When you lack ideas for your topic, this mind map service will come in handy. Type in your keyword, and Instagrok will suggest you related concepts to explore, provide a list of sources, and tip you on where to search for some topic-related media. It is a great tool for all subjects, including business, programming, accounting, statistics, and many more.

3. Grammarly

This company provides you a free Chrome browser extension that analyzes your writing and helps you eliminate mistakes. What’s best, it is not just about grammar and punctuation, but also about style. Grammarly includes a built-in thesaurus, which can significantly improve your paper. You can purchase a premium version as well. If you do want to try it out, buy it relatively cheap during a sale.

4. Cite This For Me

This is your quick and potent expert bibliography tool. In a minute, you can create a simple references page with both web and printed sources. Just search your book with the app’s database, choose your academic style, and have your citation in an instant.

5. Noisli

This one offers you a simple and neat writing environment. It is also good for reducing distractions. Choose the color palette and background noises with a “my environment feel” — it will help you focus.

Now you can see that writing assignments on your own can be also exciting. Whenever you are out of ideas, lack some time, find it hard to focus, or need help with proofreading, remember about some of the great free tools that will help you become a better writer. Have a wonderful writing!

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