3 Catchy Issues to Cover in a College Term Paper on Chemistry

college term paperWhen you’re in college, you’ll have to write a college term paper at some point. In fact, odds are good you’ll have to write a few. This is true no matter what your major is. However, it can be difficult to write anything interesting about certain subjects. If you’re a chemistry student, for example, you might find it hard to come up with ideas for your term paper.
To make the process easier, focus on writing about a topic that’s relevant and timely. Doing so will impress your professor and help you earn the grade you’re aiming for.

Chemistry Issues

Writing a term paper that your professor will enjoy reading isn’t always easy. You have to remember that they’ve read many, many papers before, and could be tired of reading about the same topics semester after semester. That’s why it pays to focus on topics that tie into current events or recent affairs. On the one hand, if they’re covered by the news media frequently, it won’t be a challenge to find sources for your essay. On the other hand, since the news around these topics is constantly changing and developing, you can put some new information that your professor hasn’t heard before into your paper.

If you’re looking for ideas for a chemistry paper, consider these examples:


Recycling is a broad topic, so you’ll have to narrow it down to something more specific before starting to write. That said, there are many ways to cover this subject thanks to an increased focus on “going green” across the planet. You could, for example, write a case study examining how effective a particular recycling project or initiative was. If it is a success, your paper will illustrate why. If not, your paper will explain why it has failed. You could also write a paper on a new recycling method or technology. This will give you the added advantage of submitting the work that won’t bore your professor, since they’ll be learning something new.

Climate Change

Chemistry plays a big role in the climate change discussion, but typically, the news media doesn’t get into major detail when describing how. This gives you the opportunity to write an essay that will be both unique and relevant. Examine an element of climate change that relates to what you’ve learned in chemistry class, and take a detailed look at the specifics of the issue.

Medical Breakthroughs

Chemistry also plays an essential role in medical breakthroughs and advances. This is yet another topic that is constantly developing, changing and moving in new, interesting directions. Pick an illness or condition, research any new treatment methods being developed, and write an essay focusing on it from the perspective of a chemistry student.
It’s no secret that being a college student involves a little bit of stress every now and then. Don’t add any more by feeling overwhelmed when your chemistry professor assigns a term paper. Keep these points in mind, and you’ll come up with a strong topic for your essay in no time.

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