Business Slides

Business slides are an integral part of any documentation in the contemporary business communication. Their prevalence today may be explained through the increased visuality and simplicity, alongside with a high level of organization. Still, creating business slides cannot occur as smooth as it may seem from the beginning. Similarly, to other business papers, it demands a set of writing skills and deep knowledge about the structure of business slides. In fact, a business presentation could be viewed as productive only if it presents a well-thought structure, an expanded use of visuals, and a minimum text required for the understanding of a topic.

business slides

The structure of a paper should always be a starting point for a writer, and this rule remains actual for presentations as well. The primary task here is to elaborate the theme of the business slides as well as to determine all the subtopics that need to be included. These become the skeleton of the presentation that starts from general (the topic and its actuality) and narrows to more specific (the subtopics). As a rule, the sketch of business slides begins with the goal of the presentation and the hook for the audience; only then the ideas and supporting data come. It also seems reasonable to determine the number of slides and the estimated quantity of information on each of them that will be used later. The last step during structuring slides is thinking over the visuals that aim at both simplify the message and excite the curiosity of the audience.

Only having the general picture, one can start working on the content, both textual and visual. According to the recent trends, visuals should dominate, while the amount of text is to be limited only to the essential one. It does not mean that the text should disappear from the presentation at all or be exchanged for images. In fact, the latter is even impossible in business slides that usually aim to share a piece of information. The prevalence of visuals hints about the use of infographics, diagrams, media clips, and charts. The graphs and charts are more efficient way to present numeric data. In turn, diagrams seem productive for showing processes or the distribution of a product. Media clips appear useful for introducing counterarguments for a topic. Finally, the use of the visuals may include the choice of atypical fonts and all hues of colors that are able to provide the slides with visual consistency. This strategy can become a successful technique for highlighting most and less relevant information too.

Unfortunately, some people still believe that business presentations need to be exclusively formal and strict. The latter usually results in dull and monotonous business slides, which are never followed during one’s speech. What is more, Forbes notifies that the most annoying and repulsive type of presentation is the slides full of text. The survey proves that the audience of such business slides will remember their substance not more than until the evening. The visual business slides, on the contrary, are memorized more easily and rapidly, as a person just need to scan the slides quickly in order to catch their general meaning. Their additional advantage also includes being non-distractive for the audience, the attention of which will still be drawn to the speaker.

To summarize, business slides become unavoidable in the contemporary business world, while their popularity may be easily explained by a number of their advantages. Nevertheless, creating truly professional business slides demands a sort of competency from a writer. The most important rules refer to the preceding structuring of the presentation, alongside with the proper distribution of text and visuals with an accent on the latter.

This article has been written by writers.

Theriault, M. (2016, March 28). Nine Tips for More Powerful Business Presentations. Retrieved June 27, 2017, from

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