5 Most Effective Exercises to Practice Your Academic Writing

college admission

Whether you’re an A+ student or your grades leave much to be desired, you still have no other choice – you must cope with the writing assignments that you’re given almost every day. It may be English Literature, German, Sociology, Business Language or any other discipline that involves writing academic papers. Without a doubt, you wish to impress your classmates as well as your professor with your exceptional writing skills. It will take a lot of time and patience to improve your academic writing, but it’s still possible!

Make sure to practice your academic writing. In other words, you have to write every day. Perhaps, you will prefer to write short pieces of text every day, or work on a long-term project. Just have your own daily minimum of content to produce. It may be a paragraph, an entire page or a couple of them. Simply stick to one important rule: write as much as you can every single day and do it effectively and systematically.

Plan your writing thoroughly. There are many different techniques to do that – make certain to pick the one that is the best for you. Try out several if you do not have a particular one in a store. What is more, you can generate an outline, make special cards with detailed notes and arrange them in a special order. Thus, you will have a well developed order of the key topics and events that should be described within the paper. Building up a solid structure in advance will help you to carry on when you’re having lack of creativity.

Go though the rules of grammar and make sure to learn them well. Sure, there many exceptional books written in non-standard grammar, but the point is that learning grammar rules is not just about keeping in mind a set of rules. Studying how punctuation is used within the sentence, how a sentence is put together will provide you with proficient knowledge you’re in need of to express your thoughts the way you want. If you feel like English grammar is your weak side, make sure to approach a college tutor for some explanations.

Do your best to expand your vocabulary. In the process of reading, make sure to keep thesaurus and dictionary on hand, or make a notebook to put unknown words into. A lot of writers are arguing nowadays whether it is more useful and reasonable to use sesquipedalian verbiage or just simple words that are used in everyday communication. When the question is about your writing, remember that that’s something that you alone can decide. However, your choice should be based on the type of the assignment you have to accomplish.

And finally, stay updated! Every single day brings us something new. The writing techniques are being transformed by the famous writers and your task is to be aware of all these innovations! Read the related information resources, be it books, journals, magazines or any web sites. This will allow you to keep pace with the new standards and improve the quality of your academic writing.

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