A Free Essay Website That Will Save You Many Times

free essay websiteGetting started is the hardest part when it comes to writing an essay. You may have no clue where to start, or you could have a great concept, but have no idea how to word it. is a fun, interactive web tool that will help you in all of these situations.

What Does Do?

Here’s how it works:
You type in your subject and hit ‘Enter’ (or click the little pencil to the left). A document with a pre-made title and subtitle will open up. From there, you just pretend to type – press any keys you want in any order – and EssayTyper will fill up the page with the relevant information concerning your topic.
The website is actually generating content from Wikipedia and forming it into something that resembles an essay with subtitles. The program continues to ‘magically’ fill up the page as long as Wikipedia has information on the particular subject.

What Is Good for?

Most teachers and professors tell us that Wikipedia is not a reliable Internet source, then what makes this tool so valuable?
You can begin to feel accomplished before you even start writing. Using this free essay website may not require you to do the actual work, but you’ll feel like you’re getting something done, which can be a big psychological boost during a stressful time like finals.
Also, you can get some good ideas to organize your own piece. Let’s say you’ve gathered some good information from permissible sources, but you just can’t figure out how to put it all together. By using, you can see an organizational pattern that makes sense and apply it to your essay.
Finally, can help you with your wording. Sometimes, you can’t think of the perfect one. The thesaurus and Microsoft’s synonyms aren’t helping, either. Using will give you some example sentences that you can rearrange and make your own. It is quite important to use familiar words in your paper. If you do not know what a word means, do not use it.

What Are the Drawbacks of

Using is not exactly plagiarism, but your teacher will probably recognize that something does not fit.
In addition, if you use the content word for word and your professor uses a plagiarism checker, you are likely to get busted, as Caroline Moss from Business Insider found out when she had reviewed the site. Her essay came back with an 81% match to others on the web. Writing the essay word for word is bound to get you in trouble with your professor.
The titles are not always give you the image of what you have to write in your essay. While such a tool might give you an idea.
Using this tool is much better than buying an essay online or having someone you know write it for you. When you use correctly, you will simply be looking at an essay example before writing your own original one.

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