Sample Speech Essay

Sample Speech Essay depending on the context and the purpose may be written to remember an event, to praise, to coerce to action, or to humorously tease someone. They may contain a use of pathos that is aimed to convince the audience to be happy. For instance, special occasion sample speeches might inform the audience. However, it may also use other lexical structures in order to be more appealing to the particular audience of the sample speech essay.

gala event“Fellow colleagues,

Today we have gathered here in this miraculous place in order to celebrate the fifth anniversary of our small but ambitious company. Together we have gone a long way towards our future as a team and what is more important as a family.

I am glad that today I see the happy smiles and lovely faces of those who helped us to survive and rise even where the others were falling. Yes, I must admit our history is full of the road bumps that we have faced on our way to success and God know how many of them we are going to meet in the future. However, today let me promise you that our company will only move forward and I am going to do everything that is in my powers to support everyone who is now a member of our big family no matter what.

It is difficult to believe that only five years ago we were a small group of people doing the best they could to help people solve their problems and today we receive hundreds of letters from our happy client whose lives became better thanks to us. We had our dreams and we have managed to make them come true and I hope that this amazing tradition will stay with us for the years to come. Remember that with the great success, come greater challenges but also the opportunities. Face them with the same energy come hell or high water!

Needless to say that none of it would be real if not the perfect combination of skills, intellect, sense of humor, and eternal optimism of our team, of those people whom I see today and cannot hold my tears. I am sincerely happy, my dear colleagues, that I have a chance to work with you from day to day. I want you to know that your inner drive, spirit, and hard work made the organization what it is today. The business anniversary is always a milestone to celebrate the achievements and the opportunity to set new goals.

In this business, we made our own luck without any help or assistance and I would like to thank you for your effort, your time, your attitude. Please enjoy yourselves, have a nice evening and remember that I am looking forward to getting back to work with you soon.

I once again congratulate you on our achievement and wish you a pleasant evening today!

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