Save Environment Essay

The save environment essay is the piece of writing that has a purpose of conveying the problems related to the ecological protection. In fact, the save environment essay does not imply some special elements that must be present. With a standard essay structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, the save environment essay provides a smooth flow of information. However, it is crucial to remember that for the save environment essay, a single emotional appeal to be more environmentally friendly is insufficient. In addition, a credible justification that the pollution has a visible detrimental effect must be provided as well. Besides, a proficient save environment essay contains recommendations how to reduce an individual ecological footprint.

year of environment 2017Undoubtedly, the problem of an environmental pollution acquires a great significance nowadays. In fact, an environmental pollution appears to be one of the biggest killers affecting almost 100 million people each year. Moreover, a worsening ecology causes a massive death of a great part of flora and fauna, thereby, violating the established ecosystems. Based on this, it is vital to rethink our attitude to an environmental safety until negative effects of pollution are reversible.

The major problem that derives from the misuse of natural resources supposes a rapid decrease of drinking water amounts. It is important to note that approximately 1 billion people on the Earth do not have the access to sufficient supplies of a drinking water, what causes nearly 5 thousand deaths annually. Such terrible tendency is mainly provoked by an immoderate water consumption not only in terms of drinking but also for technical purposes like powering and a waste disposition. In many countries, water ponds serve multiple purposes with a meager compliance of safety norms. To solve this problem, it is crucial to distinguish what ponds are used for taking a drinking water, and what ponds have “non-food purposes”. Nevertheless, individuals should also be more restraint in disposing of personal wastes.

Another notable issue is related to the air pollution. According to statistics, people who live in the area with a high population density and the significant air pollution have 20 percent more chances to die from a lung cancer. Considering the fact that an air consumption is required constantly to maintain a vital activity, the problem of air pollution must obtain a huge public attention. Certainly, a major contribution to it is made by an industrial sector since factories emit a lot of a carbon dioxide and other detrimental gas compounds. Additionally, many types of transport are designed to consume a fossil fuel to operate, what also causes harmful gasses to fill the atmosphere. In fact, people can positively change the situation by restricting a personal car driving or resorting to a more eco-friendly utilization of garbage instead of a primitive combustion.

To sum up, it can be confidently stated that people should finally start to appreciate the environment where they live. It must become clear that many natural resources cannot be restored or do it very slowly, therefore, their consumption have to be adjusted accordingly. If appropriate measures for improving an ecological situation are permanently performed on both personal and state levels, the Earth will undoubtedly be a suitable place to live for many further generations.


  1. Aresta, M. (2013). Carbon dioxide recovery and utilization. US: Springer Science & Business Media.
  2. Dugan, P. (2012). Biochemical ecology of water pollution. US: Springer Science & Business Media.
  3. Lave, L. B., & Seskin, E. P. (2013). Air pollution and human health (Vol. 6). US: Routledge.
  4. Smith, A. N. (2013). Oil pollution and marine ecology. England: Paul Elek Ltd.
  5. Stern, A. C. (2014). Fundamentals of air pollution. US: Elsevier.
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