In order to better understand how a business works, it is necessary to conduct a business research project sample to better understand the environment in which that business exists. Conducting a research of the target market is an important task that should be done when one wishes to open a new business. Due to these reasons, it is only reasonable that students participating in business studies and marketing are often assigned the objective to conduct a business research project sample. Such research project would allow better understanding of the contemporary business realities and the consumer-product relations, which would allow predicting the possible outcomes of the potential business venture.
Choosing the correct niche in the market is critical for a product or service to find success. Therefore, conducting a research project may allow establishing the correct business strategy of product placement. The research should aim to analyze the key players of the chosen market and gain valuable findings from their established strategies. However, the key feature that should be targeted by the research is the contemporary consumer trends. One should form his or her research in such a way that would allow determining not only the current state of affairs concerning a certain product group but its relevance in the nearest future. In other words, conducting a thorough business research may allow avoiding unwanted mistakes and allocate all the resources and efforts into the correct direction. Therefore, one may conclude that the main objective of a business research project is not just to analyze the market but to suggest the best option for entering it.
The following sample of an analysis of the contemporary video game market would provide relevant examples on how a business research project should be structured:
Mobile vs. Console Gaming
Business Research Project
Introduction and Historical Background
Since their establishment in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, video game consoles, such as the Nintendo Entertainment System, became the main platform for video game distribution for decades. While they did face a certain amount of competition from arcade cabinets in malls and the later PC widespread in the 90’s, gaming consoles remained dominant until the relatively recent outbreak of mobile gaming. The conducted research project aims to analyze how relevant is the console gaming market in comparison to the newly established mobile platform.
Current Trends
Smartphones and tablets have become the new universal device. Due to both their accessibility and multifunctionality, they have already managed to outmatch laptop computers on the mobile device market. Laptops are bulky and expensive, while smartphones fit into the pocket, while also offering a wide range of configurations and prices. That is why a significant amount of software developing companies have shifted to developing mobile apps, and it seems that these trends concern video games as well.
At the moment, the mobile video game market is the most lucrative and diverse. Consumers can find millions of accessible mobile games on Apple’s and Google’s app stores. Furthermore, the majority of consumers prefer this kind of games not only because of their free-to-play pricing model but because they are designed as time killers that are easy to pick up and play for short periods of time, for example, while in public transport. As a result, when choosing the platform for a new video game developing company, the business research suggests that the mobile market is the most promising one.
This sample has been written by writers.