Example of a Debate Speech

debate speech sampleThe debate is a form of speech competition that involves a team of debaters or individual speakers who work with the aim of convincing a judge that the chosen side of resolution is more valid. A debate speech in necessary for every debate. Before writing a debate speech it is necessary to examine the given topic and research it with the help of credible information. It should address the audience or jury with some formal salutations. An example of a debate speech has to include prominent arguments, and subjective information inserts should be used carefully.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

The issue of whether women should be strong or weak is a rather controversial. We believe that women become better wives and mothers in the family if they are tender. Obviously, women can be strong by nature, they may have great potential for leadership, governance, or management skills. There are women who can easily and happily stay at home and do household responsibilities, as well as there are those who want to work in an office and hate staying at home. That means that there is no need for all women to be equal, it is impossible to force a woman to work if she does not want, and it is impossible to make her keep the home if she wants to work.

Nevertheless, we still believe that women may be strong away from home, but at home, they have to learn to be on sidelines of a man. If we observe the nature, we will see this phenomenon among animals and plants. Lioness, for example, can be strong and aggressive being alone with their children. However, when they are next to the lion, they become like soft purring cats.

Women have strong leadership abilities by nature because it is necessary for them to control all the members of the family. They could become directors of a kindergarten, headmasters of the school, teachers, cooks, or assistant manager at the same time. Now women have one or two children, so the enormous amount of leadership energy remains untapped. It is recommended to put such energy somewhere outside, that is to find the balance. Some women may find this balance in organizing morning yoga or dancing classes, some – in visiting psychological centers. However, ninety percent of their time they should be at home. Whatever, it is quite hard, but a woman should organize the everyday life of the family, help her husband, and deal with children. Women are born to be directors of their families, not outside of them. There is no need for women to realize themselves in office, they should be strong at home and weak outside of it in order to motivate their husbands to protect them. This is in people’s nature when men are strong and women are weak.

Women may use their superiority abilities in a majority of ways. They can arrange the club of young mothers, handmade gatherings, yoga classes, start their business – not for money, but in order to realize their creativity and help others. What is more, they can also be actively engaged in family entertainment by organizing something new and unexpected every week. There is a lot of opportunities for women not to be employed but not lead a boring life.

Most interesting is that if women learn to share, delegate and switch, they will calm themselves because they will no longer feel unnecessary in life, they will become self-sufficient, happy, loved, and protected. There is no need for a woman to be strong in order to be happy. Every woman should embody her energy in a family, only then she will be in harmony with her husband and with herself.

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