Informal Essay Example

An informal essay is a type of brief work written in a friendly and conversational tone. There are no specific restrictions on the structure of the informal essay. The only requirement is expressing observations and opinions in a friendly manner. This literary piece is also known as a personal or familiar essay and is written mostly for the pleasure of both the writer and reader. An informal essay example has a less expressed formal statement and could be generally presented as personal reflections of an individual on a certain topic.

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The Perfect Man

Since womankind exists, there have been a lot of discussions on the issues that have disturbed almost every woman. From a young girl to an old lady all of us want to answer one and the same question “Does the perfect man exist?”. Anyway, the story does not end up only with this. If the answer is “yes”, arises a second question “Where to find the perfect man?”.

When I was a child I have heard the quote the content of which I did not understand at that time. It was something like that: “A perfect man does not smoke, does not drink and does not exist.” Now, I am convinced that every woman does not only understand this statement but even agrees with it. Anyway, the vast majority of us continue to cherish the image of the perfect man in our minds and languish from disappointments in attempts to find him. We are still demanding something extraordinary from completely ordinary people and sooner or later experience the fiasco.

Regarding the second question, the first thing that comes to my mind is to find the possible answer on it or prove the impossibility of answer. I realized, that the perfect man cannot be found as he simply does not exist. Undoubtedly, this statement breaks all the traditional imaginations about the ideal relations with the ideal man, but it is still a correct one. However, one interesting story on this issue has turned my ideas upside down. One man was looking for a perfect woman and traveling around the world in order to find that unique who will meet all his needs and expectations. After long searches, he finally succeeded and found a really ideal woman. On return when he was asked about a marriage with her, the man answered: “This woman was also looking for a perfect man”. What is the morality? Everything is quite simple and does not need any over sophisticated explanations. There are no perfect men, perfect women and, thus, perfect people. You must not look for a perfect person; you have to become a perfect person yourself.

From that moment I have completely changed my view on a great number of things. I understood that I do not any rights have to judge whether this or another person is perfect or not. Moreover, I cannot demand perfection when I am not proud of my own. I have learned that the changes of the world’s imperfection begin from changes inside each of us in particular. Therefore, the concept of love, marriage, family, and, finally, perfection is a personal matter of everyone. I believe, there is nothing wrong in aspiration to an ideal, however, one thing should be taken into account in any case “People are not born ideal, they only become so”.

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