Mini-Term: to Choose or Not to Choose?

importance of education

In case you have ever had a strong desire to get over one your academic courses as soon as possible, mini-term course is what the doctor ordered! The question is about the courses that, as a rule, last for less than eight weeks, but require the same number of academic hours as the classes of the regular semester. A lot of students, who wonder whether it’s a good idea to take mini-term course, should take into account the following advantages and disadvantages of mini-term to make sure they’re on the right way.


Ability to graduate early. When you take mini-term, you get an opportunity to graduate early. For instance, if you decide to take one mini-term class every year, you will be 12 credit hours ahead. In other words, you will graduate a whole academic semester early!

Condescending professors. Due to the fact that you will have to study extra hours in order to learn more information within a short period of time, you university professors will definitely take it into account. They understand that you have less time to learn more information than your peers. So, as long as you study, some of them will turn to be more lenient during mini-term.

Smaller classes. As a rule, mini-term classes are smaller in size. It means that you have an opportunity to have tête-à-tête conversations with your professions as well as to interact more in the class discussions.


Make certain to take into consideration the disadvantages of mini-term course.

Accelerated learning. College instructors must cram a lot of information into a really short period of time. It means that the students have to focus solidly on every class meeting in order to always stay on track.

Long class meeting. The number of mini-term course weeks will determine the overall duration of the class meeting. For instance, a mini-term class that includes only three weeks will require a longer class meeting time while the mini-term class of eight weeks will include less time.

Homework here and homework there. Taking into account the fact that the mini-term classes last for eight weeks only, the student is required to attend classes every single day. This, in turn, means that he will be assigned with homework every single day. The majority of professors have to provide students with home assignments every night to make sure the students are provided with the whole scope of material.

As you can see from everything mentioned above, the mini-term courses are not for everyone. Nonetheless, in case you feel that there are more advantages than disadvantages in this kind of education, make sure to consider registering for a mini-term course!

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