Transfer Essay Sample

A transfer essay is a type of papers that may be used by an author for transferring to another college or university. The document may be written in free form, but it is better if the author uses the specific structure. In order to write a professional paper, the work has to contain three or more paragraphs and some information about the author and his skills. Thereby, if the author would like to transfer to another college or university, the paper must look like this.

businessmanEach person decides for him- or herself what it means to be a good student. In my opinion, a successful student is a person who wants not only to learn but also to create something new. Moreover, he/she has to be passionate about the subject he/she studies. I believe that only the right college may help students become good specialists. These reasons have helped me to understand that it is necessary for me to change the college.

First of all, I would like to say that I am a student at the Medical College on the Faculty of Mathematics now. When I was admitted to the College two years ago, I was glad that I would learn not only mathematics but biology as well. The additional courses were extremely important to me. I was interested in studying biology and chemistry. Nonetheless, two years later, I realized that mathematics and physics are more vital for me. The elective medical courses distracted me from studying maths. I would like to have more time to study the science related to computing. This is the first reason why I believe that the transfer to your college is necessary for me.

Secondly, I have a few projects in the sphere of the unusual application of the mathematical knowledge. My projects contain many interesting hypotheses and proposals that could help people understand mathematics better. Unfortunately, the Medical College does not have enough resources for the development of my projects. Nevertheless, I have a positive feedback about my work after a mathematical conference in Chicago. Thereby, I believe that if I transfer to your college, it would be mutually beneficial. The main thing the student interested in the scientific future should care about is practice. Only practice helps to transform the theoretical knowledge into the accumulation of the necessary skills. Also, I regard the ability to offer various plans for changes to be a significant benefit for the student of the university.

Last but not least, I was delighted to learn that your college has a physics laboratory. The fact is my college has no facility like that, but I would like to study physics in more detail. I have a few ideas that may be useful in the projects and are connected to physics as a subject. The recent information in media and research works of scientists only proves my intentions to have a new insight into the analysis of this science and its axioms. This is the third reason why I believe that the transfer to your college is the right idea.

As you can see, I have at least three reasons to transfer to Mathematics College. Nonetheless, the main reason is my love for mathematics. I understand the biology, but the additional courses distract me from studying the main subject. Thereby, it would be nice if I could study mathematics at your college.

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